

1,000km not out

I am a good person and I am being forced to battle certain sections of Wrexham County Borough Council through no fault of my own.


Florida Update

Time is running out until I go to Florida for my first short break from Wrexham for 24 years. I am currently cycling using my



After benefitting from the GoFundMe Campaign to the tune of £6,130 and the kindness of strangers, friends and family, I have received a total of


A Blank Canvas

This time of year is always exciting as we are on the precipice of a fresh new year bursting with new opportunities to rectify the


National Nathan Day

Yesterday was National Nathan Day apparently.  A friend pointed this out on Facebook and I found the following article that confirmed that this is an


Glory Hallelujah

It is my birthday today (February 12th). Somehow I have reached 45 years of age, which is significant for many reasons. The majority of my


Reaching into the Darkness…

I hope everyone is having a positive start to 2022. I have started the year as I mean to go on and am surprisingly positive


Stranded in a Dirty Old Town

  I thought I should publish a blog to let my readers know what is going on in my life at the moment. Unfortunately, everything

Sponsor my Sister

Don’t be scared by the zany smile, my sister is running a marathon to raise money for Ataxia UK, and is in need of your

How to Disappear Completely

I received the following press release from Disability Wales and I thought it would be of interest to my readers. I have been a little

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Dirty Old Town