Stranded in a Dirty Old Town

Stranded in a Dirty Old Town


I thought I should publish a blog to let my readers know what is going on in my life at the moment. Unfortunately, everything is still being dominated by my dealings – or lack of them – with WCBC. The Local Authority are responsible for my support and well-being, but are clearly failing in this respect. I am not able to achieve my well-being needs, which is a clear failing of their duty of support as outlined in the Social Services and Well-Being Act.

There are many things that I wish to achieve in the time that I have left, but without the necessary support from my team of Personal Assistants, I will struggle to realise my goals. I have an obvious need to employ a middle manager, to help me with the mountains of bureaucratic admin that I face as an employer and the general management of my staff. I have a life to live and enjoy. It is about time that I was allowed to do this, after campaigning so hard for so many other people in Wales.

There are some ideas that I have, which are best kept under wraps, but I can reveal that I am planning to buy a new piece of equipment that will unlock many doors for myself and allow me to go on a virtual world tour in aid of charity. My idea was inspired by the achievements of my sister who recently completed a marathon in Liverpool. Of course, I was dead proud, but part of me wished I could undertake a similar challenge.

Recently, I have been attending the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney. The Neuro Therapy Centre provides practical support and therapies to help manage the symptoms of a wide range of long term neurological conditions including MS, Parkinson’s, MND and ME. The Centre supports nearly 500 people across North Wales, Cheshire and the Wirral. I have been using the gym at this friendly establishment, with particular attention to the machine that allowed me to pedal with both my feet and arms. This is a great machine that allows me to exercise, improve my physical health and play an important part in maintaining and improving my mental well-being. 

The idea is that I will perform sponsored marathons and events, such as cycling the length of the Great Wall of China or realising a dream by travelling along Route 66. To do this, would require a lot of planning and physical improvements, but it is possible. It has given me a new focus and I am really excited about this new venture.

Not only have I been let down time and again by WCBC, but Wrexham AFC have done the same. Of course I am delighted that the Wrexham Supporters Trust clowns are no longer in charge of the club, but unfortunately we are now owned by Hollywood superstars who have shown no regard for the clubs history or the book that I am close to finishing on the clubs Football League years between 1921 and 2008.

Residents of our working class town were excited the other week to welcome Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney to the area. They must have wondered what the fuck they had gotten themselves into as Wrexham is such a dirty old town that has been run into the ground by a Conservative/Independent led Council. Unbelievably, this town is now going for City status so that councillors can give themselves an undeserved pay rise.

The fact that Ryan and Rob did not visit someone who has been visiting the Racecourse since 1984 and been working on a book to celebrate Wrexham AFC’s history since 2015, has been taken as a snub. I wouldn’t have minded, but they took the time to visit many other places and people throughout the town. With only two chapters left to write of the book, I am actually wondering whether I can be bothered to finish this. The proceeds will not go to the club and instead will be given to the Independent DSA.

It is a weird feeling to be laughing when I see that Wrexham have taken another beating or have been dumped out of the FA Cup. I have never felt like this before, but it is little wonder that I am bitter after the way I have been treated by both Wrexham AFC and WCBC over the last decade.

There is probably more that I could talk about but I have other things to do and would like to get this published while I still have typing support. These are the very real parameters in which I am being forced to live my life, and it is taking its toll on my physical and mental health.

Until next time…


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Dirty Old Town