How to Disappear Completely

How to Disappear Completely

I received the following press release from Disability Wales and I thought it would be of interest to my readers.

I have been a little depressed over the past few weeks.  It is because I am feeling undervalued in many ways.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that I do not actually feature in this video.  To be fair, I think I was probably emailed about the making of this film, but did not get involved as I had too much on my plate at the time.

More disappointing is the lack of interest in the Memory Match book that I have almost completed on the Football League years that Wrexham AFC enjoyed between 1921 and 2008.  Considering that we have new owners from Hollywood, you would expect them to take an interest in the history of the club that I doubt they are familiar with.  I am fairly confident that only a handful of people know the history of the club in as much depth as I do, so it would be nice to be reassured that the rich history of the club remains important and something to be celebrated in addition to the glitz,  glamour and razzamatazz that is currently entertaining the glory hunters.

Salt was also poured into the wounds the other day, when I received an email from Ataxia UK.  This email came with an attachment that considered Ataxia Online and resources available to those that live with the disease.  It included the following:

Personal websites

There are people with ataxia run their own websites, including: ·

Kyle Bryant

Justin Scrimaglia

Well, excuse me for being a little pissed off after spending the last 11 years writing over 1,100 blog posts, becoming an honorary fellow of Glyndwr University, raising money for charity, winning a campaign to protect independent living for disabled people across the country and still not being recognised.  Forgive me for being insecure, but that’s what happens when you spend so long in the shadows…

Anyway, here is that press release that I thought might interest you if anyone is actually reading this…


Press Release

Disability Wales to launch Unlocked Lives, a film that captures
disabled people’s experiences through the different waves of the pandemic

Unlocked Lives is the Disability Wales video project made possible thanks to funding by The National Lottery Community Fund Wales.

Premiering at an online Zoom event on Friday 17th September at 6:30pm, the feature-length film will introduce viewers to a host of experiences and stories shared by the project participants throughout the pandemic.

The setting of a safe on-line workspace gave participants a cue to offer a record of their life and thoughts, allowing Disability Wales to capture the private, everyday issues faced by their members through the different waves of the pandemic.

The accessible video-making resources provided by the Disability Wales team, paired with the gradual introduction of industry-specific vocabulary and an emphasis on ‘demystifying the tech’ and on encouraging a commitment to output, has fostered enjoyable, easy-going skill-building in the group, and has helped in creating a great deal of compelling and powerful moments of self. 

All of this has contributed to building a repository of self-expressive content which have been crafted into a final feature-length piece, created by Dogma Films.

Speaking on the significance and impact of the project ahead of the upcoming premiere, Miranda Evans, Policy and Programmes Manager for Disability Wales said:

“This has been a remarkable project capturing the everyday life of disabled people during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Each individual story is unique and provides personal insight into the highs and lows of lockdown. This project does not solely recount the issues and challenges of social isolation and disability during the Covid19 outbreak, it also casts an eye on future societal reflection and attempts to create a stimulus for positive change and a drive to influence policymaking. Huge well done and thank you to everyone involved!”

Snippets of the film have already been shared by Disability Wales on social media with the clips reaching thousands of people and the trailer itself earning a retweet from Welsh actor, Michael Sheen.

Unlocked Lives is a timely project having given participants across Wales the opportunity to share their story at a time where so many disabled people have felt forgotten and unheard.

“Unlocked Lives has inspired me to speak out and tell others how life is as a disabled person,” says Nic who features in the film.

“We need support, need our friends and family, and need people to treat us with respect like they treat others. We do not want to be locked away, instead we want to embrace life to the fullest!”

Offering insights into a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds, the film promises to be hard-hitting but simultaneously laced with character, wit and joy.

The project participants will now have the opportunity to continue sharing their experiences by documenting their stories on a blog which is being set up by the Disability Wales team.

To complement the new platform, the online event will also feature a mini workshop on ‘How to be a blogger’ by Disability Wales Social Media & Communications Officer and award-winning blogger, Elin Williams.

Anyone wishing to join the event and watch the premiere can register via Eventbrite.

The event will be held this Friday 17th September on Zoom from 6:30-8pm.

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