Nathan Lee Davies

BBC Article: Paralympian leads effort to improve travel for disabled people

I am sharing an article that I have read on the BBC website,  written by Patrick Jackson from BBC News. I am taking no credit at all for this article but I feel it is important to share this important piece of news with my readers.  To read the original article by Patrick Jackson, Simply […]

BBC Article: Paralympian leads effort to improve travel for disabled people Read More »

Commissioner for Disabled People

Here is my proposal for a Commissioner for Disabled People. Advocacy Resources, tools and authority Clarification and investigation Publicity, pressure and lobbying Support and empathy Mediation and guidance Advice and access Precedents, progress and consistency a) Persons with disabilities have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and where and with whom they live

Commissioner for Disabled People Read More »

End to End: John O’ Groats to Land’s End – Postcard #1 Received

I have now completed my first twenty six miles from John O’ Groats to Land’s End and I received the following motivational postcard after completing the opening 26 miles. The email also included the text that I have copied below. I am really enjoying my virtual challenge with End to End and would recommend their

End to End: John O’ Groats to Land’s End – Postcard #1 Received Read More »

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