

Student forced to use loan to buy own wheelchair

 I have copied and pasted the following article from the BBC News website, as it highlights an important issue facing disabled people across Wales. You



I am writing the following blog in a very careful manner. I just want to relay the facts and the injustice, as I see it,


Same Old Story…

As you can see from the pinned post above, I am advertising for staff again. I am certainly feeling the pinch of the nationwide social


URGENT social care recruitment campaign

I am sharing the following email I have been sent regarding the social care in Wales. As a disabled person, I am well aware of

Scrap social care charging

I feel it is important to share the following article, which was taken from the Inclusion London website. The more people that can read and


Open Letter Regarding 2:1 Support

I was sad to learn about the death of Wrexham Archives Assistant, Julian Crute, he helped me a great deal with my research into Wrexham

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Dirty Old Town