Disability News Service: Welsh government ignores social care funding crisis… in independent living action plan #SaveWILG

The following is an article written by John Pring on his excellent Disability News Service website. This can be accessed by clicking here.  I have been put in a difficult position following the publication of the Welsh Government’s new framework on independent living – Action On Disability – The Right to Independent Living. I have

Disability News Service: Welsh government ignores social care funding crisis… in independent living action plan #SaveWILG Read More »

Disability News Service: Failure to extend ILF transition funding would be ‘another nail in coffin’ #SaveWILG

Following the positive news from the Welsh Government in providing an independent reassessment for WILG recipients should they be unhappy with the reassessment from local authorities, comes more uncertainty. I had been looking forward to spending the rest of my life without having to worry about the ability to live my life independently. However, the

Disability News Service: Failure to extend ILF transition funding would be ‘another nail in coffin’ #SaveWILG Read More »

Statement from #SaveWILG Campaign at the #Right2IL Campaign launch

On April 25th, the #Right2IL Campaign was launched in Parliament. Unfortunately, I could not be there so I wrote the following which was read out by my good friend and comrade, Ellen Clifford. Apparently, the message was well-received. I am looking forward to playing my part in the fight for the rights of disabled people

Statement from #SaveWILG Campaign at the #Right2IL Campaign launch Read More »

BBC Report: Wales disability support cuts: Care to be re-assessed in July #SaveWILG

The following article was written by Paul Martin and published by the BBC. I take no credit for this piece, apart from the contribution of quotes. The article can also be read on the BBC website by clicking here.   Re-assessments of severely disabled people unhappy with their care packages will not begin before July. The

BBC Report: Wales disability support cuts: Care to be re-assessed in July #SaveWILG Read More »

Wrexham man’s disability campaign will lead to thousands of lives being improved #SaveWILG

The following article was taken from the Leader Live website. I am claiming no credit for writing this article which also appears in the Leader newspaper.  ***  Improvements have been made to the way care is delivered for more than 1,000 disabled people in Wales to help ensure they get the support they need to

Wrexham man’s disability campaign will lead to thousands of lives being improved #SaveWILG Read More »

Disability News Service: ‘Delight’ over breakthrough on Welsh independent living scheme closure #SaveWILG

The following article is taken from the Disability News Service website and was written by John Pring. I am taking no credit for the writing of this article and urge readers to visit the Disability News Service website. You can do so by clicking here.  *** Disabled campaigners have welcomed measures that aim to address

Disability News Service: ‘Delight’ over breakthrough on Welsh independent living scheme closure #SaveWILG Read More »

Welsh Independent Living Grant (WILG): Policy Reversal #SaveWILG

The following article was taken from the Rhydian pages and has been written by Luke Clements and Ann James. Many thanks to them for their support throughout the  #SaveWILG campaign.< *** February 12, 2019admin Julie Morgan, Deputy Health and Social Services Minister, has announced a major change to the process of winding down the WILG. 

Welsh Independent Living Grant (WILG): Policy Reversal #SaveWILG Read More »

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