#SaveWILG – An Open Letter from the Heart

I have no other option but to publish the following open letter, as I try to create and maintain the adequate level of support that


#SaveWILG – Neverending Story…

Unbelievably, I am writing an update for the #SaveWILG campaign – something that I have been working on since November 2016. After highlighting the campaign


#SaveWILG Update

I can’t believe we are already in the last month of 2020. The year has just flown by, probably due to the fact that nobody


Committee Discuss #SaveWILG

The #SaveWILG campaign seems to be back in full swing, although I can’t make much public comment at this precise moment. I can let you


Written Statement by the Welsh Government #SaveWILG

TITLE: Welsh Independent Living Grant (WILG) – Update on Independent Care Assessments DATE: 13 February 2020 BY: Julie Morgan AM, Deputy Minister for Health and


Birthday Musings… #SaveWILG

Many thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes – it means a lot and is much appreciated. I can’t believe twelve months have passed


#SaveWILG Campaign Relaunched

As many of my regular readers will know, I have spent the last 5 years campaigning to protect independent living for disabled with high support


#SaveWILG Tweets

We have not forgotten… The #SaveWILG campaign managed to protect recipients of the Welsh Independent Living Grant, who are disabled people with high support needs.

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