Nathan Lee Davies


After benefitting from the GoFundMe Campaign to the tune of £6,130 and the kindness of strangers, friends and family, I have received a total of £5,820.26. The rest of the money has been taken by GoFundMe. This is not a criticism of the for-profit business, but just serves to explain my calculations below, in a […]

Maths Read More »

Council stops activist using care funding for first holiday in 20 years

The following blog has been written and published by John Pring on the excellent Disability News Service website. The amount of support that I have received is overwhelming and I really appreciate all the solidarity shown. I have just been contacted by John Pring who said that the BBC are now interested in covering the

Council stops activist using care funding for first holiday in 20 years Read More »


I am writing the following blog in a very careful manner. I just want to relay the facts and the injustice, as I see it, being served to me by the Adult Social Care department at Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC). In 2022, I expressed an interest in taking a short break to Florida. This

Stranded Read More »

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