Dirty Old Town Erratum

Dirty Old Town Erratum

I have been alerted to the need to provide a small Erratum for the contents page of Dirty Old Town. It seems that there has been a production error somewhere along the line. It would be one of the only pages that I didn’t write myself.

Thankfully there is a way around my incorrect contents page. I will be contacting my publisher to change the page numbers on the contents page for the download. It is more difficult to change this page for the softback and hardback copies, but what I can do is write an Erratum.

This is a small slip of paper that explains the production error which can be inserted into all the books that I have sold. Most people would have not even noticed this small mistake, but it is glaring to me. Perfection is never possible, as I know only too well while living with a progressive, genetic disease of the nervous system, but the least I can do is to try to correct this error in the best way I can.

I have written a leaflet using vistaprint with no expense spared. Luxurious and elegant soft-touch paper has been used to create this insert. I will be sending a copy of this Erratum to everyone who has bought a book through my website. It will explain how the contents page should be laid out and this will be changed for any future physical editions that may be printed – if I receive the backing of local businesses and the football club that I have written about.

The official Erratum will appear here in the coming days – my vistaprint order is not due to arrive until Monday – but for now I will explain it below in the best way I can.

The contents page – as a result of a production error – shows incorrect information. This Erratum resolves these issues and should be inserted into each copy of the first edition of Dirty Old Town on page 5.

Foreword by Billy Ashcroft page 7
Introduction 8
The Racecourse Files 10
Wrexham AFC in the FA Cup 1888-1920 14
Wrexham AFC in the Welsh Cup 17
Wrexham AFC in the Football League 1921-2008 18
Interviews 269
Did You Know? 305
Acknowledgements 306

Dirty Old Town is my baby and I want to care and look after it as it is growing up in the big bad world. I am also thinking of my readers, who deserve the best content and service possible after showing their support by purchasing the book.

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