Introducing the FDF: A Vital Resource for Disabled People throughout North East Wales

Introducing the FDF: A Vital Resource for Disabled People throughout North East Wales

Way back in 2014/2015, I took part in a course run by Disability Wales that taught disabled people the skills needed to become empowered and successful activists. It was the beginning of a successful journey that helped me through the #SaveWILG campaign, and ultimately helped me to achieve an Honorary Fellowship from Glyndwr University. 

While on this course, I became friends with a whole host of influential people in the field of disability rights – none less so than Jan Thomas of Flintshire Disability Forum. 

I have copied below an outline on the fantastic work that the forum does for all disabled people across North West Wales. It is important that all disabled people, their families and friends know of this service as there are many ways in which they will be able to benefit. 


The FDF ( formerly Flintshire Disability Forum ) has been supporting disabled people of all ages for more than 20 years, across North East Wales, in 2017 we became a Centre for Independent Living only the second CIL in Wales ( the other is in Pontypridd ) recognised by the Welsh Government and Disability Wales. We are now extending our services across North West Wales with the support of disabled people from Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Conwy and Ynys Mon.


On a day to day basis we support disabled people to live independently, that is to live where they want, with whom they want and how they want. That does not mean living on your own it means being able to make an informed decision to live your own life being fully included in all aspects of your local community that is leisure, employment, education, health, social activities, transport, finance, equipment, advice and information.

Behind the scenes The FDF is a well respected Disabled People’s Organisation campaigning on behalf of all disabled people throughout Wales. We believe that disabled people should have a voice and be fully included in every decision about THEIR life. We will never do anything without your permission.

So what does this mean in practice ? We will provide for you or your carers

· free, confidential, friendly advice, information and advocacy,

· telephone befriending service a friendly voice during a lonely week

· support to complete benefit applications and appeals

· full benefit checks, PIP, UC, ESA, housing, blue badges

For more information about any of our services contact,

01352 756618

The FDF accepts referrals from family, friends, health professionals, social services, housing officers, and self referrals.

We guarantee to make contact with you within 72 hours.

We urge you not to struggle alone, there has never been a more confusing or challenging time for disabled people, Covid 19, self isolation, lockdown, shielding, benefit changes, new technology, and everything online has made life particularly difficult for many disabled people.

We can help you get through this.

Our staff are here to help you, we don’t make judgements, we can speak on your behalf to professionals, we can untangle the confusion, we will help you complete forms, read ‘’official ‘’ letters, we can make appeals for benefits and do mandatory reconsideration, explain the process and help you by attending the appeal ( sometimes by telephone ).

We ask that you seek our help before starting your forms, it’s always easier to get it right first time, than to try to change things afterwards.

Zoe, Gemma, Grace and Fay have many years of experience and will be happy to help you,

01352 756618

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