I would like to welcome Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds as the new owners of Wrexham AFC. It is very exciting times for the club, supporters and town as this change of ownership should really put us on a forward momentum. 

However, there are plenty of challenges ahead for the new men in charge, and I will continue my work to make the Racecourse Ground accessible to all supporters. Maybe now we can shelve the ridiculous plans for platform two, which went against the professional recommendations of the Wrexham Disabled Supporters Association and Level Playing Field. 

I am hoping that McElhenney and Reynolds want to help create a community club and truly listen to those who matter the most – the supporters. 

I will continue writing my Wrexham AFC book, something that I am hoping to complete by the end of the year, and if the new owners want to learn a thing or two about their new business, then I can certainly share a few stories about their history and my personal experiences as a supporter since I first visited the Cae Ras in 1985.

This is the dawn of a new era and fingers crossed that it will work out well for all. Lets face it, things can’t get much worse…


This is a copy of the statement that appeared on the official Wrexham AFC website. The original article can be view by clicking here.


Wrexham AFC is proud to announce that the RR McReynolds Company LLC has taken 100% control of Wrexham AFC Limited from the Wrexham Supporters Trust. The new owners, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, have made a £2 million equity investment into the club under the terms of the deal.

Funds will be immediately channelled into new initiatives at the Racecourse Community Foundation, including £50,000 to enhance the women’s football programme and increase participation at all levels. Alongside this, first-team player identification will be a priority, so the club is in the best possible position for the summer transfer window.

In a joint statement, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds said:

“It is a special day for the two of us to become the latest stewards in the long and storied history of Wrexham AFC. Together with the players, the staff, the fans, and the local community, we can now pursue our goal to grow the team and return it to the EFL in front of increased attendances, and in an improved stadium, while making a positive difference to the wider community in Wrexham.

“Wrexham AFC is only in a position to thrive because of the incredible efforts of the Wrexham Supporters Trust. Their members are a fitting reflection of the integrity and spirit of the town and they will always have an important role at the club.

“Since the Wrexham Supporters Trust put their faith in us, at the members vote in November, we’ve been getting to know people in Wrexham to understand how we can help move the club forward through our four guiding principles:

* to protect the heritage of Wrexham AFC;
* to reinforce the values of the community;
* to use our resources to grow the exposure of the club at home and abroad;
* and to create a winning culture

“The work has already begun with Gemma Owen and Steve Dale in the community team on a new women’s football initiative. We are also committed to investing in current and identifying future members of the first-team squad as we build towards a promotion-challenge.

“In addition, we are in the process of developing an outstanding team off-the-field by combining the know-how of the committed club staff and volunteers with new hires and experienced advisors. Our CEO search is progressing, and we expect to have someone in place before the end of the season.

“All of these people will help us create the kind of commercial opportunities that the third-oldest club in the world deserves, and we will reinvest that revenue back into Wrexham AFC and the community.

“2020 was a difficult year and there are likely to be further public health challenges in the months ahead, but we hope to be cheering the team on from the stands as soon as it’s safe to do so in 2021.”

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