Staying Strong and Proud! Celebrating Deaf and disabled people’s resistance

Staying Strong and Proud! Celebrating Deaf and disabled people’s resistance



7 – 9pm

Facebook Live

with British Sign Language and live captions

On International Day of Disabled People, DPAC and the Peoples Assembly Against Austerity will be co-hosting an extended evening of politics, conversation, music and comedy to celebrate Deaf and disabled people’s resistance from austerity and welfare reform to Covid-19 and beyond.

With speakers including: Cherylee Houston (actor), Touretteshero (comedian and campaigner), John McDonnell, Paula Peters (DPAC) and Ellen Morrison (Disabled members’ representative, Labour party NEC), Andy Mitchell (ImaJSAClaimant) and Dave Allan (TUC Disabled Workers Committee and Unite) among many others.

Comedy from Laurence Clark; Music from from RockinPaddy and Rita Resistance

Co-hosted by Ellen Clifford (DPAC and author of The War on Disabled People) and Laura Pidcock (People’s Assembly).

If ten years of grinding attacks targeted at disabled people in the name of austerity and welfare reform weren’t enough to contend with, then came Covid-19. Almost two thirds of Covid deaths have been disabled people with excess deaths on top. Alongside the fear and the grief disabled people have also had to endure a mainstream narrative that presents our deaths, like those of older people, as somehow inevitable and not counting the same as other people’s – by implication, that our lives are of lesser worth.But disabled campaigners are not letting any of that stop us from doing what we always do during Disability History Month: celebrating Deaf, Disability and Mad Pride and reaffirming our commitment to ending all forms of oppression in the struggle for a better world.

The year 2020 marks 25 years since the passage of the Disability Discrimination Act. Its also ten years since Disabled People Against Cuts was set up to oppose the disproportionate impact of austerity and welfare reform on disabled people. This year we’ve reached out to allies in other campaigns and trade unions to join us for International Day of Disabled People and share in our anger and tears, pride, reminiscence and solidarity. We’d be delighted if you can join us too.

Whatever you do to celebrate #IDDP we’d love to hear what you’re up to – please send messages and photos to @dis_ppl_protest / @pplsassembly.

Also speaking: Sarah Woolley (General Secretary, Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union), Charlie Clarke (The World Transformed), Clara Paillard (President of PCS Culture Sector), Andy Greene and Roger Lewis (DPAC Steering group), Sabina Lahur and Raymond Johnson (People First and DPAC), Mark Dunk (DPAC member and Unite activist), Martha Foulds (DPAC), Paul Ntulila (Inclusion London)

List of supporters: The World Transformed; Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union; People Before Profit.

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