A million dead end streets…

A million dead end streets…

I am not liking this new WordPress design that is highlighted in the YouTube video below.

You won’t even realise that there has been a change, but the editor in which writers create posts, has been radically updated for the worse. Why do companies have to change things, just for the hell of it? The classic editor was simple to use, but this new one seems more of a hassle than anything. It is discouraging me from adding new blogs and I am seriously considering leaving WordPress for another blog platform.

The trouble is, I do not have the technical knowhow to move the content from here to another platform. I could try to get to grips with the new editor, but I just do not have the time at the moment as I am still waiting for my social care reassessment results. I truly am stuck at the moment, and not living my life in the way I choose as is my right under the Social Services and Wellbeing Act.

Every way I turn at the moment, I seem to run in to a dead end. Please excuse my negative self indulgence, but after six years of tireless work to save and promote Independent Living for disabled people across Wales, through the #SaveWILG campaign, I would have expected an improvement in my support.

Part of the current problem is that I am struggling to find adequate support staff. This is the same problem faced by disabled people across the UK and it just highlights what a hostile and uncaring society we live in.


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