Emergency on Planet Earth #31

Emergency on Planet Earth #31


 What follows is a random collection of thoughts from a human being trapped in 21st Century British society.


I had thought about ending this series of blogs, but l wouldn’t want to be knee -jerk in my reaction like Boris Johnson and company. I prefer the more cautious and pragmatic approach of first Minister Mark Drakeford.


I have copied the article below from the Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) website. The original  piece can be viewed by clicking on this link. I am happy to promote this virtual festival that l hope becomes a regular feature of our calendar, to remind everyone about the importance of independent living to disabled people.

11 July WILD will launch with an online festival by & for disabled people – the likes of which you haven’t seen before! Celebrating who we are & coming together to redefine what it means to be a disabled person in the 21st century. Sign Up. Share & RT

Web: http://wwww.wildaboutculture.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WILDcrips

Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/427804564769420/

Twitter @WILD_CripsaY8jFs41

Wild is a long-term initiative to re-imagine the transformation to an inclusive society with independent living being a central part in that transformation.



As a disabled person l can tell you a lot about loneliness. Thankfully, l am mentally strong and resilient. This is fortunate as l have many fights to win before l can reach that elusive state of happiness.

I realise that not everyone is as lucky as me and l would therefore encourage everyone to pick up the telephone or send a message to friends or family  that are alone and isolated at his time.

Having said all that, there is something about ITV’s campaign to Get Britain Talking that l find really nauseating. If people to pour their heart out then they will find the appropriate time to do so and do not need to be guided by pebble-brained celebrities during bubblegum TV.

I cannot think of anything more awkward than negotiating a manufactured silence and the only thing that Ant and Dec’s mini break would have achieved, was a mass electricity surge as the nation twiddled their thumbs and put the kettle on. It really was cringe worthy stuff.

While ITV’s message is a positive one that should be applauded, l do think there are better ways to encourage people to look after their mental health and well-being.

If they are watching Britain’s Got Talent , then it is probably too late…

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