#GE2019: Volunteering Opportunities

#GE2019: Volunteering Opportunities


I received the following email from Team Labour this morning, encouraging members to help out with campaigning to ensure the British public elect a Government for the many, not the few.

I am doing all I can on social media and via this blog, as my disability prevents me from being an effective campaigner in other ways. For example, I would struggle with both door knocking and telephone canvassing due to my poor hearing and slurred speech. This is a great shame as I wish I could pound the streets to spread the message, but all I can do is make sure everyone that I come into contact with online is in no doubt who to vote for.

In addition, I will make sure that every time I leave the house, I am wearing a Jeremy Corbyn badge or t-shirt and I also thought that I should try to find a Vote Labour car sticker. I don’t know if this has already been thought about, but I think it would be a good way of spreading the message as we inch ever closer to December 12th.

Below, I have included the email I received this morning from Team Labour and would encourage all Labour Party Members to try to help out in some way to ensure that Jeremy Corbyn will soon be moving house…


Nathan, in 19 days we’ll either have a government for the many, or a government for the few.

The power to decide is in your hands.

From the first debate to the manifesto launch, we’ve got the country’s attention. We’ve got the policies, the energy and the people power.

Now is the time to persuade voters, to get out on the streets, to meet other Labour volunteers, to give the country the government that it’s been needing for the last decade.

Don’t miss this opportunity.

SAY YOU’LL VOLUNTEER: Thousands upon thousands have already done it. As people start to see through Tory lies, our movement is beginning to tip the balance. But we need more people – we need you. Will you sign up to volunteer today?

JOIN OTHER CAMPAIGNERS: Find members like you nearby who need your help!

SPREAD THE WORD: We have a radical manifesto that will truly put wealth and power back in the hands of the people.

MAKE A CALL: Dialogue is our phone banking tool. It’s chock-full of great new features for the election, and you can campaign from the comfort of your own home. Get your mates over and start a phone banking party today!

REFRESH YOURSELF: Feeling a little rusty? Not campaigned in a while? Not to worry – we’ve got some online training sessions and events just for you.

Nathan, the Tories are using dirty tactics to undermine us. Let them try. We know the real power is with the people. And the people will win.

We have no time to lose, and everything to gain. This is your chance to play a part in the most important election of your lifetime. Make sure you take it.


Team Labour


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