Dancing on Thin Ice

Dancing on Thin Ice

I am excited to announce the imminent release of my second book: Dancing on Thin Ice.

This is a volume of poetry by myself, including Tanka, Haiku and List Poems. It will retail for just £5 and will be an ideal stocking filler for friends and family. It is due to be officially launched at an Arts and Activism talk that Ted Eames and I are giving at Glyndwr University on November 13th.

For those of you who would like to pre-order your copy, you will also receive a free badge of the South Park character that represents myself on my book covers and as the icon on this blog.  The badge can be viewed below.

I would also like to thank Terence-Jaiden Wray for his magnificent work on designing the front cover of my latest volume. He has done a tremendous job that really adds to the professional feel of my work. I would also like to recognise the efforts of Ted Eames in helping me put this book together, introducing me to the Tanka form and giving me confidence in my work.

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