Getting to the heart of the
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
Today, Disability Wales will host a conference on the new Social Services and Well-being Act for Wales. The event will be held at the Copthorne Hotel, Cardiff and chaired by Adrian Masters Political Editor for ITV Cymru Wales.
Speakers include Mark Drakeford AM Minister for Health and Social Services; Cathryn Thomas, Programme and Improvement Lead, Social Services Improvement Agency; Rhian Huws-Williams, Chief Executive, Care Council for Wales and Nathan Lee Davies, Disabled Activist from North Wales.
Rhian Davies, Chief Executive Disability Wales states:
“We look forward to hearing from a range of experts involved in the development of this Act. An Act which promises to transform the way people experience social services across Wales.
We are hoping for a lively debate and to provide opportunity for disabled people to have a say on how adult and children’s social services will operate in Wales come April 2016
We are 20 years on from the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, soon followed by the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. We ask the question will this new Social Services Act for Wales uphold people’s rights and deliver the necessary support.”
Professor Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for Health and Social Services said:
“The Social Services and Well-being Act is a once in a generation chance to make social services sustainable for the future and ensure it responds to people’s needs. Disability Wales has made an important contribution to the Act and this conference is a great opportunity to discuss the way ahead.”
Nathan Davies, North Wales Disabled Activist States:
“The new Act promises much on paper, but disabled people must work with the authorities to ensure promises are kept and legislation is enforced. As a community, we can’t afford to rest on our laurels.”
Ted Shiress comedian and blogger will make an appearance to lighten the mood during the morning’s proceedings. Ted was finalist in the Welsh Unsigned Stand-up Award 2010 and semi-finalist in 2011 and unique both in presence and attitude!