Blodeuwedd by Guy McKinley

Blodeuwedd by Guy McKinley

On September the 14th, I was travelling around South Birmingham searching for the fibreglass owls that make up The Big Hoot trail. One I found was number 82: Blodeuwedd by Guy McKinley.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.


Guy McKinley is an illustrator, concept artist, painter from Liverpool who has been involved in lots of diverse projects, relying on his strong character work.  He initially began (and continues) producing hand drawn and digital work used in editorials, pre-production concepts, character design and more commercial images for promotional and advertising campaigns.  More recently, he has also been taking part in live exhibitions and gallery shows with more personal paintings and illustrative work.

His work is featured in The Street Art Sketchbook by Tristan Manco.  He has exhibited his work all over the UK, Europe, the USA and has been commissioned to create work for clients including Disney, Carhartt, Adidas, New Balance, Diesel, Sprite (Coca-Cola), National Express, Becks, BBC and Walker Books.


Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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