Ozzy’s Owl by Osbourne and Wright

Ozzy’s Owl by Osbourne and Wright

On September the 5th, I was traipsing around Birmingham City Centre searching for fibreglass owls. One I found was number 35: Ozzy’s Owl by Ozzy Osbourne and Graham Frank Wright.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.



Graham Frank Wright, described as an artist, author, photographer and Rock n’ Roller roadie, has been a close friend of Ozzy Osbourne for over 40 years – from the early days when Black Sabbath started the heavy metal scene, touring pubs and venues in Birmingham, right up to the time when four mates from Birmingham became the biggest heavy rock band in the world.

Graham has been painting for over 30 years and the majority of his work is in oil and features paintings in Los Angeles, California and the UK.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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