

100 Cult Movies: Life of Brian

I am a big fan of Wikipedia, and often use it on my blog to provide greater detail if my readers want to delve deeper


100 Cult Movies: The Godfather

I am a big fan of Wikipedia, and often use it on my blog to provide greater detail if my readers want to delve deeper

Cult Movie Challenge

I am not going to waste everybody’s time buy writing yet another deconstruction of the COVID pandemic.  It is bad enough that we are living

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet…

Happy New Year to all of my readers. I discussed my aims for 2021 in a previous blog, which can be seen here. I just


100 Must See Cult Movies

Regular readers will know that I am a sucker for a good list. I have to complete things in sets, such as the 80 fibreglass

Paintings from Death Row #JusticeforGerald

Earlier this year, I composed the following blog about my desire to help win justice for Gerald Marshall. It can be viewed by following this

ENIL Press Release #IDDP

Brussels, 3 December – To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Network on Independent Living – ENIL calls on Governments to stop

Disability Wales Press Release #IDDP

PRESS RELEASE:  76% of Disabled People Surveyed ARE NOT CONFIDENT THAT THEIR RIGHTS WILL IMPROVE IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. Research from Disability Wales has

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