Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

According to Wikipedia, Tanka (短歌, “short poem”?) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature.  Below you can read the 37th of my 2017 poems. 

The aim is to write as many of these poems as possible to build a comprehensive picture of life with a disability in 21st century Britain. Sadly this means I will be producing work of depressing negativity most of the time in order to reflect brutal realities in a cthartic manner. I will never shy away from this, although I understand that my friends and family find such honesty to be upsetting at times. No one likes to read abou the suffering of their loved ones on a regular basis.

The problem is that I am a truth-sayer. This wll not change, but to celebrate my birthday week and show my love for my friends I will attempt to look on the apparent bright side for a short period.

Wish me luck.


Alien concept to me

A fresh, new challenge

Encouraged by my true friends

To gaze at the starry sky

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