Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Earlier today, I received the following email from disability charity Scope that sparked a fire in my militant soul that’ll keep on burning until independent living is secure  for all disabled people.

It read as follows:



This November marks 20 years since the Disability Discrimination Act became law in Britain. It was an important moment and the first time that anti-discrimination legislation for disabled people was passed.

However, it was the campaign fought by disabled people that made 1995 such a landmark year. Thousands of people came together to take to the streets, lobby parliament and protest against discrimination.

They wanted to make the country a better place. 

Over the next two weeks – through a series of blogs and videos – we’re telling the story of some of the remarkable individuals who campaigned tirelessly to make Britain fairer and more equal.

Read and watch their stories here.

We hope a new generation of activists will be inspired by this landmark campaign for civil rights. The people who fought to change the law are proof of what can be achieved when a community comes together…

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