You Can Call Me Owl by Stephen McKay

You Can Call Me Owl by Stephen McKay

On September the 5th, I was traipsing around Birmingham City Centre searching for fibreglass owls. One I found was number 42: You Can Call Me Owl by Stephen McKay.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.


Stephen McKay is a Liverpool-based artist, who likes to work in public and uses large studio spaces, where passers-by can watch him create his very public artworks!

A qualified development chemist, Stephen enjoys experimenting with new materials and decorating techniques.  He devised a method for his partner, Janet Fishwick, to paint over 4,000 individual pearl buttons onto her ‘Pearly Mandeville’ for the 2012 Wild in Art Olympic Mascot Trail.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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