You’ve done 500 miles! That’s amazing!
Wigan ahead, it’s not just about pies. Famous Wigan food products include Heinz baked beans, Pataks Indian foods, Potters herbal remedies, Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls, and De Roma ice cream.

Hungry yet??
After Wigan you’ll go through Warrington, the town was founded by the Romans at an important crossing place on the River Mersey. A new settlement was established by the Saxons. By the Middle Ages, Warrington had emerged as a market town at the lowest bridging point of the river. A local tradition of textile and tool production dates from this time.

The glitzy Golden Gates at the town hall were originally designed for Sandringham Palace, but were rejected by Queen Victoria who was not amused to see them displayed next to a statue of Oliver Cromwell, who signed the death warrant of her predecessor, Charles I.

Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!!