1,000km not out

1,000km not out

I am a good person and I am being forced to battle certain sections of Wrexham County Borough Council through no fault of my own. I just want to enjoy the limited number of years that I have left on this planet – surely that is not too much to ask?

Instead, WCBC are making unreasonable financial demands on myself and other vulnerable members of the disabled community.  Specifics of my personal relationship with the LA can be found on the Appeal and Complaint Submitted blog that I wrote just a few days ago.

Between the stresses and strains of dealing with an unreasonable LA, I have just completed the first 1,000km of the planned 6773km trip from Wrexham to International Drive, Orlando. This is the trip that I promised all my kind GoFundMe donators that I would make when they donated towards my short break to Florida. My next aim will be to reach 2,000km by the end of the year. This is no doubt helping my physical and mental well-being and giving me the strength to cope with the issues thrown at me by WCBC.

Another angle that I am trying to pursue is a partnership with End to End challenges. This is a great website that offers people the opportunity to earn incentives – such as t-shirts, postcards and medals – while completing several virtual challenges. The only problem is that they seem to offer an array of challenges, but do not offer anything bespoke like the challenge that I have set myself.

I had a very positive response to an inquisitive email to the website team, but I am still waiting for them to get in touch after my follow up email.  Hopefully something will crop up soon and I think this could be the start of a beautiful relationship. 

As I have illustrated in my latest blogs, WCBC are intent on making my life a misery while I am attempting to enjoy the final years of my life. I am mulling things over and wanting to help others by starting a sponsorship page to raise money for a deserving cause while completing the rest of my challenge.

I am also in need of funds myself if I decide to go down the costly legal route against WCBC. I would be very confident of achieving a landmark result for the benefit of all disabled people in other Local Authorities, but WCBC and other LA’s know that the cost of such legal action is beyond the reach of the majority of disabled people.  So it continues…

I did want to use my Direct Payments money to fund motivational software for my Thera Trainer. This costs over £900, but it would allow me to play games while peddling and tour different cities around the world such as San Francisco and Paris – all from the comfort of my living room.  The cities would be displayed via my TV and add to the attraction of pedalling and exploring new places in the best way available to me.

We live in a financially unfair world, but I will continue to do whatever I can to strive for equality and justice while cycling to Florida in front of my bare white walls.

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