National Nathan Day

National Nathan Day

Yesterday was National Nathan Day apparently.  A friend pointed this out on Facebook and I found the following article that confirmed that this is an actual thing.

National Nathan Day is a celebration on November 22. The name is related to both Nathaniel and Jonathan, with the meanings of ‘Gift of God’ or ‘God has bestowed.’ Nathan was a prophet and one of King David’s sons in the Old Testament. He served as a messenger to King David and is regarded as one of Jesus’ ancestors. Nathan is an Old Testament name that has been progressively increasing in popularity over the last four decades.”

It didn’t feel like much of a special day to me as I am still at war with WCBC Adult Social Care and this is why I have been pretty quiet on the blog front this year.

I won’t go into this too much at the moment as there is lots going on behind the scenes.  This will all be revealed at a later date, but for now readers will just have to bear with me.

I am working hard to promote Dirty Old Town  – my book about Wrexham AFC between 1921 – 2008.  The fact that this book has been well received by those who have read it says it all, but it is very disappointing that I have received absolute zero support from the Club that I supported for over 30 years of my life.

I saw a memory on my Facebook timeline yesterday that I have included below and it speaks volumes.  In 2013, I published my first book – Every Silver Lining has a Cloud – and our friendly, community club stocked this volume in the Club Shop.

Every Silver Lining has a Cloud is now available from the Wrexham Club Shop.  

I will leave it up to you to decide what this says about the direction the club is now taking.  In the meantime, I will be doing my best to find justice and continue living a normal everyday life on a level playing field with everyone else.

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