Feed Me ‘Til I Want No More…

Feed Me ‘Til I Want No More…

It has been a crazy start to the week, as my lifelong work on the club is finally being released to nervous and excited Wrexham fans who find themselves on the verge of promotion back into the Football League.

I have just returned from the Post Office, where I made a sale that I was not expecting and also discovered that postage overseas is not really an option that I can offer. Anyone based overseas that really wants a copy can always contact me and I will be happy to offer them the opportunity to purchase, but they have to realise that postage to the United States costs £30. This is a ridiculous price as it costs more than the book is priced at.

I would therefore encourage people situated overseas to purchase a download of my book at just £15, but if you can’t live without a hard copy then just email me via the contact page and we can come to some arrangement.

Postage to Australia is even more and the costs are the same for paperback and hardback copies.


As you can see above, I am pictured with a copy of Dirty Old Town and a Wrexham Lager cushion that I received from the good people at the brewery last week. It is something special to me that the people of Wrexham have been so supportive and really rallied around to help me make the most of my writing at a successful time for the club.

I am looking at the possibility of having a second print run as the reaction I am getting at the moment is phenomenal. What I am thinking is that I would like to sell advertising space to local businesses, who can place adverts at the beginning, middle and end of the book in return for help with future printing costs.

If you know of any business that might be interested in such an opportunity, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Individuals would also be welcome to contribute towards printing costs. I will focus on this once I have got through the next few days and sold out of the current batch of books.


It is funny how things change so quickly. Below, I have included a haiku that I found in an old draft folder that was written in 2017. It is really negative and shows how I was feeling at the time.

wHAt’s ThE fUcKIng PoInT?

sHuNnEd bY sOcIeTy…

nO fUtUrE fOr ME

Anything that I write nowadays would have to be more positive as I feel so lucky to have been accepted and celebrated  by the good people of Wrexham, wherever they are based.

I just hope everyone enjoys what they read as much as I have enjoyed writing it over the years.

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Dirty Old Town