Money can’t buy you love…

Money can’t buy you love…

I am enjoying this week as I begin to promote the book I have been working on for eight years. It has been a long journey that I have been on with Dirty Old Town: Wrexham AFC in the Football League 1921-2008, and now that the book is finally with the printer , I can relax and reflect on a job well done.

Of course now I am working to drum up support and promote my lifelong work.  I have many people to thank as I have been really impressed with how the the people of Wrexham have supported me whole heartedly.  I have three promotional  videos being made to advertise the book and a trip to Wrexham Lager yesterday resulted in a free cushion and their support across social media.

I am really excited for people to read what I have written as I really don’t think people will be disappointed. I strongly believe in that the strength of my writing  – this is the area in which I excel.

It is also an honour that I will be launching my book at Maesgwyn Hall on April 18th prior to the Yeovil Town game. Billy Ashcroft will be speaking at the pre-match meal and in a perfect turn of fate, he has also written the foreword to my book. This is an autograph hunters wet dream .

It seems that the planets are aligning perfectly after all my hard work and yesterday I felt a certain  brotherhood with Wrexham fans that I have not felt for many years .
I have only been able to print 200 paper back copies of the book and 50 hardback copies.  I am hoping that these will sell out quickly and there will be a demand for more to justify a huge repeat order with the printer. I can use the profits from  the first print run to fund another.
Please note that the hardback edition will not be available on the 18th, but the printer has assured me  that these will be with me shortly. There will be unlimited downloads available through my Shop page. These copies could be available any day now, as I am just waiting on an email from my webmaster to confirm that we are good to go. 

Haiku is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. A Haiku consists of 3 lines and 17 syllables. Each line has a set number of syllables see below:

Line 1 – 5 syllables
Line 2 – 7 syllables
Line 3 – 5 syllables

My motivation

Credibility not cash

Somethings can’t be bought

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Dirty Old Town