Scrap social care charging

Scrap social care charging

I feel it is important to share the following article, which was taken from the Inclusion London website. The more people that can read and share this post, the better. 

I am experiencing my very own social-care crisis at the moment. I am due to lose the jewel in my crown of PAs, after five eventful years. I am happy that we will remain friends and that she will always be part of my life, but she will be missed and is truly irreplaceable. 

After working so hard on the successful #SaveWILG campaign over the past five years, it is important that I focus on the support I receive and ways in which I can be supported to achieve my ambitions and life-goals. I am barely existing at the moment, and I am deeply unhappy with the way in which things have panned-out for me. I know that only I can change this. Those that know me, know that I will if given the support I sorely need. 

According to Fergal Sharkey, a good heart is hard to find and I can only agree with this after being let down time and again by members of the human-race. Let’s hope, things quickly change for the better, in the meantime please share and sign the petition below and let us create a level playing-field for everyone in society. It is important to note that we do live in a society as over thirty years since the evil witch stated that there was no such thing as society, I find that some people are still selfish enough to believe this untruth. 


We are calling on the Government to abolish social care charging. Please sign our petition demanding Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, scraps social care charging.

Sign the petition here.

Why is this important?

Thousands of disabled and older people throughout the Covid pandemic have experienced social care cuts and increases in care charging. Families are struggling to make ends meet and pay the week’s shopping bill. In some cases, people have to make an unenviable choice of heating the home or putting food on the table. Others are being pushed into debt.

Unlike the NHS, social care support is not free, and even people with a meagre income, including those on means-tested benefits, have to pay towards social care. Good social care support helps Disabled and older people to live fulfilling lives with choice, control and dignity. Good social care means people are clean, safe, have food to put on the table, have meaningful relationships, take part in their community, and enjoy life.

We are, therefore, calling on the government to abolish social care charging as part of social care reform. And in the interim, we call on the government to ensure Disabled and older people are not forced to pay for social care out of their benefits.

A Tax on Disability

Watch our powerful new film ‘A Tax on Disability’ explaining why social care charges are unjust and unfair and undermine Disabled people’s choice, control and right to independent living.

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