DPAC statement on attack on disabled protester in Bristol

DPAC statement on attack on disabled protester in Bristol

I would like to  share a couple of articles that appeared on the Disabled People Against Cuts website yesterday, as I believe they will be of interest to my readers. 


Footage has emerged of the police in Bristol violently attacking an autistic man during a protest in Bristol against the new policing Bill.

Disabled People Against Cuts are disgusted at the actions of the police who repeatedly and brutally strike the man with a riot shield after he has clearly told officers that he is autistic – the footage shows he has done nothing at all to warrant such aggression.

This was not a use of reasonable or proportionate force – but a vicious and deliberate act of violence against a disabled person willing to stand up for our right to protest.

That such an incident took place during autism awareness week speaks volumes to the lack of awareness of neurodiversity and the contempt the police have shown for disabled people.

By abusing the power they already hold the police are showing just why they should not be granted any new powers.

This is not an isolated incident but part of a history of violence against disabled people on the part of the police. That history includes the killing of black men with mental health support needs Sean Rigg and Kevin Clarke, the fracturing of a wheelchair users shoulder outside DWP headquarters on our protest against ATOS in 2012, the denial of access to medication to disabled protesters held in police custody and many more examples.

We condemn the actions of the police in Bristol and call for an enquiry into the attack on the man shown in the footage, violence against other protesters and the decisions taken by the police that led to confrontation.

Disabled People Against Cuts are in full solidarity with the protesters in Bristol and in other towns and cities who are standing up for our right to protest – a right which has been vital for us to exercise in the face of unprecedented attacks on disabled people’s living standards by successive governments.



End the tax on being disabled – Scrap care charges now

A second story from the DPAC website that I felt would be of interest to my readers is the following story concerning social care changes. There is a petition that can be signed here.

I would encourage everyone to sign and share the petition and believe that you will agree that action needs to be taken after watching the YouTube video below. 

Solidarity to everyone involved with DPAC. 


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