Undressing Disability

Undressing Disability

Last night I became member of the Undressing Disability Hub. This is not a dating site, but rather a platform to share information, and build awareness around sex and disability. I am happy to engage in discussions around such topics that are often seen as taboo by mainstream society. 

I am currently working on a way to end my long, frustrating spell without sexual satisfaction, but this is incredibly difficult during a global pandemic. If anyone can find a solution then it will be me, but I can only deal with my specific situation and it is important to remember that this is a national problem that effects all disabled people to some degree. 

Please find below, a YouTube video created by the good people at Enhance the UK, which is essential viewing for everyone. Click on the following link if you want to read a blog that I wrote in 2019, regarding the situation I find myself in. Unfortunately, there has been little progress made since this blog was originally written.   

Meanwhile, disabled people can only use such resources as those provided by Enhance the UK to begin conversations and challenge tired old stereotypes.  

Solidarity to my desexualised disabled brothers and sisters. 

Please get in touch via the Contact page if any of the YouTube videos on this blog are no longer functional. I will then be able to make the necessary changes to keep this blog up to date and attractive. 

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