100 Cult Movies: The Wicker Man

100 Cult Movies: The Wicker Man

I am a big fan of Wikipedia, and often use it on my blog to provide greater detail if my readers want to delve deeper in to a topic that I briefly discuss. In the same way, I will use Wikipedia to further illustrate each film I am watching on my scratch poster. One of the main reasons that I choose to use Wikipedia is due to the lack of advertising content. This is very important to me. I even pay a significant sum – in my opinion – to WordPress so that visitors don’t get distracted by adverts and can just concentrate on what I have written.


Do sit down, Sergeant. Shocks are so much better absorbed with the knees bent.

January 13th: Watched The Wicker Man: Superb piece of cinema that I related to after spending 8 miserable years stranded in the Highlands of Scotland and visiting my then mother-in-law on a tiny island in the Outer Hebrides. I had to spend more time than I would of liked on a sparse island named Uist, where the only shop of note was a mini Co-op supermarket. Regular readers will know that I could never be described as a capitalist, but there is no doubt that this island would benefit from a sprinkling of small scale commercial investment. 

Closed minded, hostile communities such as the one depicted in this film, do exist. Having experienced such hostility to outsiders, I watched this film with an alarming degree of recognition and sympathy for Sgt. Neil Howie (played by Edward Woodward). 

If ever, we are allowed to travel again and you are trying to decide which part of the world to visit, I suggest watching this film and keeping as far away from the Scottish Highlands and Islands as possible. 

1* Please note that my opinions on this part of the world were formed after an unhappy marriage and that you may feel differently, but really there is fuck all there so unless you like grass and birds then stay on the mainland and embrace different cultures. 

Click on the link above to get a deeper understanding of this film. 

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The Wicker Man panel from my scratch poster:

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