100 Cult Movies: Duel

100 Cult Movies: Duel

I am a big fan of Wikipedia, and often use it on my blog to provide greater detail if my readers want to delve deeper in to a topic that I briefly discuss. In the same way, I will use Wikipedia to further illustrate each film I am watching on my scratch poster. One of the main reasons that I choose to use Wikipedia is due to the lack of advertising content. This is very important to me. I even pay a significant sum – in my opinion – to WordPress so that visitors don’t get distracted by adverts and can just concentrate on what I have written.


Come on you miserable fat-head, get that fat-ass truck outta my way!

January 12th: Watched Duel: I remember watching this film with my Mum on a Friday night in the mid 80s. This was a real treat for me as I got to stay up late. My Dad was in the bath and I was allowed to watch this movie while eating biscuits and popcorn well past my usual bedtime. I felt like a proper grown up as my little was in bed. I suppose all of this might be part of the reason why I have such a love for this television movie, directed by Steven Spielberg.  

After watching this film, I spent the formative years of my life obsessing over cars that were following my Dad’s Austin Allegro for more than half a mile around the mean streets of North Wales. If a vehicle took the same route as us into town, I would spend too much time worrying that they would then try to bully our car off the road in a dangerous duel to the death. We were only popping into town to get something nice for tea. 

My younger self was obviously deeply affected by this movie. Surely every filmmaker wants to give their viewers something that they will always remember and will have a significant impact on their lives. Steven Spielberg can be satisfied that he did a good job with his directorial debut. I remember enjoying this film so much that I wrote the name of the film and the date I had watched it on a scrap piece of paper, which I attached to my noticeboard. I then studied the TV listings every week, in the hope that they would be showing this film again. That scrap piece of paper was pinned to my noticeboard for at least 5 years. 

I am still gripped by “Duel” and would recommend anyone who hasn’t seen this, to watch it. Dennis Weaver also deserves credit for his performance as David Mann.

Click on the link above to get a deeper understanding of this film. 

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Duel panel from my scratch poster:

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