100 Cult Movies: Easy Rider

100 Cult Movies: Easy Rider

I am a big fan of Wikipedia, and often use it on my blog to provide greater detail if my readers want to delve deeper in to a topic that I briefly discuss. In the same way, I will use Wikipedia to further illustrate each film I am watching on my scratch poster. One of the main reasons that I choose to use Wikipedia is due to the lack of advertising content. This is very important to me. I even pay a significant sum – in my opinion – to WordPress so that visitors don’t get distracted by adverts and can just concentrate on what I have written.


It doesn’t make any difference what city, all cities are alike. That’s why I’m out here now.

January 10th: Watched Easy Rider: During my University days, I was in danger of becoming a pretentious film artisan. When I watched this film in the late 90s, I appreciated the off-beat drama, but nowadays I prefer much more straightforward offerings. I really feel that I need a proper film historian to point out the strengths of this picture to enable me to fully understand why it is regarded as a cult classic.  The point is, that I no longer have the time or inclination to sit through dull lectures and I now simply rely on my initial reactions to tell me that this is not a film that I will be revisiting again in a hurry. Click on the link above to get a deeper understanding of this film. 

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Easy Rider panel from my scratch poster:

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