Emergency on Planet Earth #26

Emergency on Planet Earth #26


 What follows is a random collection of thoughts from a human being trapped in 21st Century British society. 



This is excellent news for all social care staff and domiciliary workers throughout Wales. It is a clear sign that Welsh Labour have a heart and listen to the voices of the people. Regular readers will remember my blog entry calling on the Welsh Government to make sure that personal assistants employed through the Direct Payments scheme are rewarded with this bonus payment of £500. 

I am not saying that my blog directly influenced the Welsh Government, but I am saying that it wouldn’t have harmed.

The full story can be found on the BBC News website, which can be accessed by clicking here. Two of my PAs watched Mark Drakeford’s Press Conference this afternoon and can vouch that he specifically mentioned those employed through Direct Payments.

My work here is done, until the next time I am called upon…


There is plenty of interesting news to read at the moment. The following links provide access to a selection of interesting articles that deserve your attention and subsequent outrage. As you are probably an apathetic British moron, I realise that you probably won’t even click on the links as the articles they lead to may cause you to have to think, and we can’t have that now, can we?

I have done my job anyway…

Labour lurches responds to crisis that is forcing millions into hardship – with attack on benefits claimants that lurches right back to Blair

New BBC Director-General Davie “impressed influential Tories”, is former Conservative Association deputy chair, but has marketing, not journalism, background

ITV News reveals plans to discharge Covid-19 patients into care homes

Johnson: those pesky Swedes almost overtook us, but we saw them off to top the world C-deaths table. I’m ‘very proud’


While you try to get your tiny little minds around the news items above, l will be spending money l haven’t got on eBay as l try to go back in time to the 1983/84 football season for no particular reason other than my own enjoyment. You will be hearing a lot more about this harebrained project of mine in the not too distant future, but for now enjoy the offering below from Jonathan Pie.

From Wikipedia:

Jonathan Pie is a fictional character created and portrayed by English comedian Tom Walker. A political correspondent, Pie appears in a series of online videos in which he rants about the state of both British and American politics,[1][2][3] with the videos being presented as though he were a real reporter speaking his personal opinions to the camera before or after filming a regular news segment.


Just want to end this blog by wishing my Dad a very Happy 70th Birthday. I couldn’t have asked for a better father figure and I am very proud to be his son.

That’s enough of all that soppy shit, I’m back in the room…

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