A positive email to start the week from Rhian Davies of Disability Wales. I am really thankful that I live in Wales and have Mark Drakeford as First Minister, especially as blundering Boris is reportedly planning to prematurely lift the lockdown as early as this week. This will undoubtedly lead to more Coronavirus related deaths, but that’s the Tories for you…
I feel much safer in Wales with Drakeford’s traffic light system to come out of lockdown. This is a much more sensible approach that seems to be people centred rather than doing what is best for the economy. You can read more about Drakeford’s traffic light approach by clicking here.
Dear Members
I hope that you are keeping safe and well. Following publication of the Wales Disability Reference Group’s statement on 8 April regarding Coronavirus and the Rights of Disabled People in Wales, more than 1400 individuals and organisations joined Disability Wales, Learning Disability Wales, Wales Council of the Blind and Wales Council for Deaf People in supporting our Statement:
I am pleased to inform you that since publication, Welsh Government has implemented the following actions:
- Coronavirus: ethical values and principles for healthcare delivery framework (Guidance for healthcare services when making decisions during the coronavirus outbreak) – published 12 April 2020.
- Covid 19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group for Wales (CMEAG-Wales) convened to advise on issues relating to moral, ethical, cultural and faith considerations, and provide a source of advice to health services to inform equitable and just management of issues arising from the health care emergency response to the Covid 19 Pandemic – announced 14 April 2020.
- Letter from Welsh Government’s Chief Medical Officer and Chief Nursing Officer to NHS Wales directors and chief executives (opens in Word) “seeking to ensure there is clarity around ethical decision making for people with any protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010” and Covid-19, including Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR). Read an easy read version of the letter here (opens in Word).
- Links to Welsh Language versions of the letter may be found here:
Many thanks for your vital support in ensuring that our voice is heard. We trust that members will find reassurance in this guidance given such worrying times. Please share widely with your friends, family and members. We will also upload these documents to our website for future reference.
I represent Disability Wales on the Covid 19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group for Wales and welcome hearing about the experiences of members regarding these matters to help inform and influence the work of the Group.
Stay safe
Rhian Davies
Chief Executive/Prif Weithredydd