Changes to Non-residential Social Care Charging

Changes to Non-residential Social Care Charging

I have just received a second email of the day from Disability Wales, about charges for non-residential social care. While it is worrying that the maximum personal weekly contribution has been raised from £90 to £100, I am hoping that the majority of local authorities can clearly see that the majority of disabled people in Wales, could not afford such an eye-watering figure.

I urge anyone negatively impacted by this increase, to get in touch with Disability Wales.


Dear Members

As of 6 April 2020 changes came into effect which updated some of the arrangements by which local authorities are able to charge for the social care and support they provide or arrange. These changes were introduced by amendments to the regulations and code of practice governing charging under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

The changes included an increase in the Maximum Weekly Charge applicable in non-residential charging from £90 to £100 per week. The capital limit applicable in non-residential care charging remains at £24,000 and the savings disregards remain unchanged.

While the increase to a maximum charge of £100 was long planned, it has been implemented at a very challenging time for anyone receiving social care. We are hearing reports from members that some are not getting their full package of support for a range of reasons related to the Coronavirus emergency.

We have raised our concerns about the increase in charges with Welsh Government, however it would strengthen our discussions with Ministers and officials, if we can provide more information about how it is affecting people around Wales. We’d be grateful if you can let us know the following:

  • Have your social care charges increased since 6th April and if so by how much?
  • Are you getting the full package of services as agreed in your assessment?

Any information you provide will be treated in confidence and anonymised in any communications with Welsh Government.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks


Rhian Davies

Chief Executive/Prif Weithredydd

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