

The following article was taken from the DPAC website.  I would encourage all my readers to join in with this mass tweetathon and remind everyone why the disabled community will not stand by quietly while the disastrous Universal Credit is rolled out.


Tuesday evening February 4th – please join a mass tweetathon to the BBC and especially BBC Two


They are hosting a programme on Universal Credit which we think is the one we were told had been commissioned by DWP along with the adverts DWP placed in the Metro newspapers.

Here are some possible tweets  you could copy and paste

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants UC is rotten to the core #StopandScrapUC

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants 7m households will be affected, including over one million low paid part-time workers.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants UC has too many flaws to be simply paused and fixed – it must be stopped and scrapped.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants at least £15.8 billion has been wasted UC, yet only £1 billion will be saved by 2020.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants No civilized Government should impose UC on its citizens

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants  No credible opposition party should want to simply pause and fix UC.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants UC is claimed and managed digitally which is impossible for many disabled people.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants Health & Work conversations are mandatory, any failure to attend will lead to claim being closed.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants People in part time work could be forced to give up work that suits their Disability.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants UC has no Severe and Enhanced Disability Premiums- single disabled people lose around £2,000 pa.

@BBCTWO #UniversalCreditCrimesAgainstClaimants UC includes the vile rape clause – violating womens’ rights


And lots of newspaper horror stories here


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