In Support of Helen Grout

In Support of Helen Grout

I was shocked and saddened when Ian Lucas MP announced that he was stepping down as MP for Wrexham. Ian and I have disagreed about much in the past, but whenever I have needed his support I have been able to call on him. He has spoke out on my behalf on several occasions and attended key meetings with me in relation to the #SaveWILG campaign. His knowledge and experience will be missed in the Wrexham area.

However, it has just been announced that Helen Grout will be standing to become the next Labour candidate for Wrexham MP. She will certainly be getting my support and I call on ALL members of Wrexham CLP to join me in voting for her.

Helen will be a outstanding MP, due to her honesty, integrity, and socialist principles. It is absolutely vital that Wrexham CLP elect a candidate that shares the vision set out by Jeremy Corbyn and shared in Cardiff by Mark Drakeford.

On November 8th, let us join together and help to cement a united Labour Party.

You can find Helen’s official Facebook page by clicking on this link. 

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #Helen4WxmMP when discussing this campaign on Twitter.

I implore ALL WREXHAM LABOUR PARTY MEMBERS to ensure you are at THE CATRIN FINCH CENTRE, WREXHAM, FRIDAY 8TH NOVEMBER AT 7PM to support Helen. This is such an exciting opportunity for Wrexham, the Labour Party and the wider community.

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