Colonel Blink: War Games

Colonel Blink: War Games


This morning I have been to Specsavers in Broughton to pick up two new pairs of glasses. This is important for two reasons:

I usually visit Specsavers in Wrexham for my annual check up. This year I have been forced to make the longer journey to Broughton due to the hassle of  parking my car in Wrexham. When I launched a petition last year to fight the proposed introduction of car parking charges for Blue Badge holders, I argued that the town would suffer as a consequence. I am now totally evading my hometown in favour of a retail park in Flintshire that offers free parking in a well policed, nonthreatening and clean environment.

It is a sad indictment of how far the Conservative/Independent led Council have let the town decline, that I would rather drive to a less convenient location for an essential piece of business. I will continue to do this while the Council is being led by many short sighted and unscrupulous buffoons who care more about lining their own pockets rather than doing what is best for the town.


I have had to have a new pair of varifocals. I am having a tough time getting used to them. The optician said it could take up to two or even three weeks for my eyes to adjust as there is a lot going on with my new lenses. I have also had new frames and think my new look suits me – at least I hope it does…

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