#Right2IL Campaign Launched

#Right2IL Campaign Launched

Disabled People Against Cuts have launched a campaign that I will be taking part in, to try to preserve independent living for disabled people with high support needs across England and Wales.

The campaign was launched on April the 25th in the Houses of Parliament. Sadly I couldn’t be there that day, but I did write a message for my comrades who made it down to London. I will be sharing this message in a future blog as it was written on behalf of everyone involved with the #SaveWILG Campaign.

More about the #Right2IL campaign can be read here. 

Below I have copied one of the postcards that we are hoping to send to MPs, AMs, the media and activists to mobilise support in these terrifying times.

Look out for more about this crucial campaign over the coming months, when you will get plenty of chances to become involved in a campaign that will make a huge difference to the lives of so many…



I am writing to ask you to support a bold new vision for independent living* for the future.

The social care and mental health systems are currently in crisis and as a result disabled people’s rights to an adequate standard of living, to dignity and inclusion and to equal participation in society are being taken backwards.

In its present state, the system is not fit to respond to current needs, let alone predicted greater needs in future. Disabled people’s experiences of support are subject to a post code lottery and differ considerably depending upon impairment.

Disabled people and our organisations are calling for a better system guaranteeing consistent levels of adequate support. This will not only benefit us and our families but will strengthen wider society, save costs in other areas and produce social and economic benefits.

You can read about our vision for a national independent living support system here: https://dpac.uk.net/2019/04/a-national-independent-living-support-service/

Please sign up in support and help us reclaim disabled people’s futures by making our vision reality.

Yours sincerely,


*The phrase ‘independent living’ is not about disabled people doing things on our own, it means having choice and control over our own lives, being included in the community and having the same chances to take part as other people.

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I will be distributing the postcards above in the near future. Your support would be much appreciated. Further details will be posted here soon. 

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