No Entry

No Entry

I received the following email this morning, concerning the International Welsh Poetry Competition. This is something that I wrote about at the beginning of the year, when I was intending on entering a poem of my own.

There is now no way I will meet the deadline for entries, but even if I was in a poetic mood then I don’t think I would put my work up for the competition. I believe that all art is subjective, and cannot be judged in such a objective manner.

No one is getting the opportunity to say that their poem is better than one of mine, just like I would never say that my poetry is superior to anyone else’s.

Last Call For Entries!

We are fast approaching the deadline for the International Welsh Poetry Competition so if you want to enter and maybe win the 1st Prize of £500 then now is the time to get writing!  Award-winning Welsh poet and author – Mike Jenkins will judge and unlike some contests he reads all entries.

Please share this with any poets, writers groups, libraries and anyone else you can think of 🙂  We have already told literally thousands of people and organisations we think might be interested but if you can also help us get the word out that would be much appreciated.

1st Prize – £500
2nd Prize – £250
3rd Prize – £100

plus 17 runners up published on our website and in a future anthology.

Entry forms are available to download from our website –

Judges website –

Also check out some of our past winners on our website.

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