In a report it was revealed that Wrexham Council has made more than £6.3m worth of cuts to adult social care during the last four years and savings of approximately £1.3m from childrens’ services.

The social services department said it had made every effort to reduce the impact on vulnerable people while reshaping services.

However, an opposition group leader questioned where the suggested £3m savings figure had come from.

Labour leader Cllr Dana Davies said: “Can I have some clarity over where that £3m figure has come from over the next two years, as my understanding is we’re still in the budget process and no firm decisions have been made.”

In response, finance officer Mark Owen said the figures had been outlined at a previous meeting and were only indicative at this stage.

He said: “The executive board report that went in January of this year included savings which were agreed in principle at that stage in the adult social care area of about £1.9m and childrens’ social care of around £30,000.

“Then there was some other cross cutting savings associated with developing the budget for 2019/20. Those haven’t been decided that they’re going to happen, but they were clearly laid out in that report.

“You all know that we’re looking to save around £11m over the two years based on our planning assumptions and given the scale of the social care budget then the £3m would not be unreasonable in terms of the level of savings that would apply to that service area.”

Councillors voted to approve the annual social services director’s report and the improvement priorities highlighted.

The council’s final budget, including cost savings, is set to be decided at a future meeting.