New Badges and Easter Memes #SaveWILG

New Badges and Easter Memes #SaveWILG

I am pleased to announce that the new WILG badges have arrived and are plastered with our new slogan: Where there’s a WILG, there’s a way. I hope you will agree that the badges look really good and it is an excellent slogan dreamed up by myself and my PA when we were messing about with ideas.

These badges are available for £1 each with all profits going directly towards the #SaveWILG campaign. You can simply get in touch with me and I will be able to send you some in the post or deliver it in person at one of our many campaigning events that we have planned for the coming months.

We also have green badges available and these can be obtained along with the red badges for £1 each.


During the Easter period, we are encouraging people to share our newly produced memes across social media. In particular, we are targeting Welsh AM’s from all parties, but especially a few influential figures in Welsh Labour such as First Minister Carwyn Jones (@fmwales), Minister for Children and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies (@huw4ogmore) and Minister for Health and Social Services Vaughan Gething (@wgcs_health).

I have even written a tweet for you to copy and paste into Twitter and send to those suggested above. I can’t make it any easier for you. This will help you to do something positive over the long weekend and alleviate your guilt for stuffing your face with chocolate.

Suggested tweet:

@fmwales @huw4ogmore @wgcs_health Protect disabled people and their families #SaveWILG. 

You can also share on Facebook as all three AM’s have their own pages. If there are any other influential AM’s or Councillors that you can contact that would be great.

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