#SaveWILG Art Exhibition

#SaveWILG Art Exhibition

The #SaveWILG art exhibition took place at Theatr Clwyd in Mold between January 24th and February 12th. I have included photographs of the art below although these pictures do not give the overall effect of the exhibition, as the Gallery space we were provided with includes large windows which caused sunlight to reflect on the framed artwork. This made capturing perfect photos very difficult.

I also include a YouTube video that illustrates the wealth of support that we received for our postcard campaign. This was shown on a large screen in the Gallery.

Following a conversation with Ted Eames, I have approached Lesley Griffiths, AM for Wrexham, to ask if she could arrange for the exhibition to be shown in the Senedd. She agreed in principle and I hope we can come to some arrangement quickly as time is of the essence.

Overall, the exhibition at Theatr Clwyd was a great success. Thanks are due to Disability Arts Cymru – especially Lowri-Mair Owen – Theatr Clwyd and everyone who visited the show. In particular, I want to thank Julie Rogers-Owen and Heather Wilson for their outstanding contributions in helping me create such a production. The input of David Nulty, Amy Lockhurst, Sophie Morris, Ted Eames, Grace Currie, Sophia Leadill and Georgina Gittins was also crucial to the success of this project.









YouTube Link – SaveWILG Film

Obviously these photographs do not do our exhibition any credit at all, but I have included them to give you a taste of what we have achieved. I am very proud of the exhibition and hope we can show it to all Assembly Members in the Senedd to help educate and inform them about the importance of maintaining WILG in the first place, before establishing a fairer system that will enable all disabled people to benefit from the right to independent living.

I have not added the artist names alongside these photographs as I would encourage you to try to attend this exhibition wherever it may appear next to get a full flavour of what has been achieved. Thanks to Julie Rogers-Owen for providing the photographs used above.

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