List Poem: Modern Life is…

List Poem: Modern Life is…

Disability Arts Cymru have introduced me to the amazing Sophie McKeand – the gifted writer, poet, performer who is the current Young People’s Laureate Wales April 2016 – 2018, winner of the Out Spoken award for Innovation in Poetry 2015 and longlisted for the Poetry Society’s National Poetry Competition in 2014.

Writing about the incredible collection of poetry, Rebel Sun, by McKeand, Martha Sprackland [me neither] says:

“This is mythological, musical poetry that not only crosses borders but seems to dismantle them entirely, collapsing time and space, transfiguring and prefiguring the world we live in.”

I have a signed copy and can confirm the books brilliance.

Anyway, Sophie is an admirer of my Tanka work and has encouraged me to try different poetic forms such as the List Poem below, which I hope to perform alongside Sophie in February. Details to follow.

This remains a work in progress as lines could be added or changed, with the line order also under review, but for a first effort I am happy with the rhythm. No wonder Sophie is impressed…

Modern life is

Driving to work in an electric car while drinking breakfast from a bottle

Modern life is

Smugly using satellite navigation allowing you to avoid the tailbacks

Modern life is

Taking a call from your Spouse on your watch – your child scooped the prize

Modern life is

An instantaneous response from Down Under

Modern life is

The wonder of Kit-Kat Bites Peanut Butter – what will they think of next?

Modern life is

Leaving your car in a blue badge bay because you can’t miss this meeting

Modern life is


Modern life is

Eating Sushi with plastic cutlery at a business lunch in Wigan

Modern Life is

Saying one thing and meaning another

Modern life is

Balancing the books while searching for a magic money tree

Modern life is

Not having enough time to be ill

Modern life is


Modern life is

Knowing your place

Modern life is

Being fed sweet little lies

Modern life is

Not believing the truth

Modern life is


Modern life is

Celebrating yesterday while living in fear of tomorrow

Modern life is

2.4 children

Modern life is

Sickly sweet

Modern life is


Modern life is

Washed down with prosecco

Modern life is

So clichéd

Modern life is

So clichéd

Modern life is

Instantly forgettable

Modern life is

A mundane journey through mundane towns, proud to be home to a Tesco superstore

Modern life is

Forgetting where you are – Anytown

Modern life is

Devoid of any distinguishing features

Modern life is

Empty without social media

Modern life is

Forcing friendship with strangers that you pass on the street

Modern life is

Worthless without ‘likes’

Modern life is


Modern life is

Connected wirelessly

Modern life is

Checking your inbox for love

Modern life is

Finding messages from hard-up Nigerian Princes, robots selling Viagra and pimps offloading Russian Brides

Modern life is

Turning a blind eye to foreign sweat shops in return for cheap clothes

Modern life is

Ignoring homeless families begging for support on your way to the theatre

Modern life is


Modern life is

Choosing sides

Modern life is


Modern life is


Modern life is


Modern life is

Wishing you could pull a cracker

Modern life is

Watching MasterChef with a microwave meal

Modern life is

Battling with the Welsh Government for my liberty

Modern life is

Knowing that I’m different

Modern life is

Waiting for someone to see the beauty inside

Modern life is

Having more questions than answers

Modern life is



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