I-Spy challenge

I-Spy challenge

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Throughout 2015, I completed The Big Hoot trail in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital. The Big Hoot was a mass participation public art event comprising of 89 individually designed large fibreglass owl sculptures forming a trail across Birmingham for 10 weeks from 20 July until the end of September.

After discovering all of the owls and raising £256 of my £500 target, I was suitably proud that the money raised would help sick children in some small way. However, those of you who know me will not be surprised that I feel a burning desire to finish what I have started and raise the remaining £244 needed to reach my initial target.

How should I do this?

A friend of mine said that the Big Hoot project was a “brilliantly daft” idea and I think he would probably say the same about my latest challenge. I have decided to raise money by asking people to sponsor me as I try to work my way through a series of I-Spy books, published by Michelin.

Each book contains up to 200 colour photographs, which you have to I-Spy.  The aim is to tick them off as you go and collect points. When you score 1,000 points or more in an I-Spy book, you can join the I-Spy club and apply online for a certificate of achievement.

Some people never grow up and I’d definitely count myself in this crowd. Life’s too short to fit into the dull crowd. Not only will this sponsored escapade get me out of the house and encourage me to take photos of my local environment, but it should also raise awareness and funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Everyone’s a winner…

I have purchased five I-Spy books, but I will begin by tackling In the Street. The book description reads as follows:

Scan 11 Jan 2016, 10.20 (3) 

There is always something interesting in every street: people working, bus stops, lamps, shops, street notices, road signs, vehicles and much more. From country roads to city streets, why not see how many things you can spot! Arranged in colour coded-sections, this I-Spy book includes a colour photograph with a short and factual description for each entry. You can score points by spotting the different entries in the book. Score 1000 points and you can apply for your I-Spy Certificate! There are a lot of opportunities to spot and score in this and all the other I-Spy Books!”

 You can chart my progress via my blog (https://nathanleedavies.wpcomstaging.com/) and Twitter (@nathanleedavies). I look forward to undertaking this new childlike challenge and raising money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital in my own unique manner.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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