Defend Disabled People’s Right to Independent Living

Defend Disabled People’s Right to Independent Living

A few months ago I signed an online petition to help Defend Disabled People’s Right to Independent Living.

Yesterday I received the following update on the campaign along with the latest developments. I am sharing these on my blog to raise awareness and remind people that action needs to be taken in order to protect the rights of disabled people.

If you haven’t already done so, please consider signing the petition, sharing with others and asking yourself if you could do anything to help disabled people in their fight for independent living.


Thank you for signing the petition Defend Disabled People’s Right to Independent Living.

We would like your help again, this time to support Disabled people whose independent living support is being taken away.

Despite a well supported and fierce campaign that saw wheelchair users attempt to storm the House of Commons chamber during Prime Minister’s Questions, the Independent Living Fund tragically closed at the end of June and as a result Disabled people with high support needs are facing cuts to vital everyday support.

Many of these cuts are in breach of the Care Act 2014 and can be legally challenged, however due to recent changes to legal aid, some Disabled people are not able to fund the legal support they need.

We are asking for donations to fund legal challenges to protect care packages and the rights of Disabled people to choose to live in the community among family and friends instead of being moved into residential homes.

To find out more go to:

To donate go to:

Disabled People Against Cuts would also like to hear from anyone who may be affected by the social care proposals Southampton Council is consulting on which will potentially force Disabled people with high support needs out of their homes ( contact

Please share this appeal with your friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you so much.

Ellen and Cherylee

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