The Green Owl by Julia Zellar-Jacques

The Green Owl by Julia Zellar-Jacques

On September the 22nd, I was dashing around Birmingham City Centre searching for the fibreglass owls that make up The Big Hoot trail. One I found was number 22: The Green Owl by Julia Zellar-Jacques.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital [This link has been removed now the tour has been complete].


Julia Zeller-Jacques is an Edinburgh-based illustrator who trained at Hull School of Art and Design.  She works in both printing and painting and explores natural themes and subject matter in her art.

Julia’s mother was born and brought up in Birmingham, before she left to join the WRENs, and her only abiding memories were of Kunzle cakes and a bleak industrial landscape.  So, it gave the artist great pleasure to learn that Birmingham now boasts more parks than any other European city and that its flower displays and gardens win prestigious awards.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital [This link has been removed now the tour has been complete].

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