Big Brown Inky Owl by Kate Leonard

Big Brown Inky Owl by Kate Leonard

On September the 18th, I was racing around Birmingham City Centre searching for the fibreglass owls that make up The Big Hoot trail. One I found was number 1: Big Brown Inky Owl by Kate Leonard.

Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital [This link has been removed now the tour has been complete].


Kate Leonard is an ‘inky’ illustrator and writer, currently based in Staffordshire.  Working exclusively in brown ink, she creates ‘hatched’ inky, illustrative representations of many things – from flora, to nature’s feather and furry tenants.

With her fondness for birds and many woodland residents, Kate’s imaginative ink illustrations, once mapped out onto paper and brought to life with a splash of colour, soon find their way onto many beautiful things – from prints to fabrics and more.


Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital [This link has been removed now the tour has been complete].

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